Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Prayer to hecate for protection

This is found on the internet
3rd prayer to Hecate.
Hecate dark one hear my plea
 bring justice now I ask of thee.
 Right the wrongs that have been done
 avenge me now oh mighty one
Turn misfortune back on those who cause my problems and my woes
Heap upon them karmic debt least they all too soon forget
Their wrongful actions words and deeds
Don't let them get away scot free
Bring them forth from where they hide
Hecate bring swift justice wield your knife
Hasten dark one hear my plea
Please do what is I asked thee
Hecate drive away all negativity away from me, including what's inside of me uncertainty fears and doubts  help me to overcome them this I asked of thee
Drive all negativity away from me that's coming from people
 let it return to them so mote it be 
Drive away negative spirits that try to come in between me and my spirit family and friends
And may my spirits of  my spirit family  and friends know that I love them dearly and iam happy that they are with me.
And may  they l continue being with me and help me.
So mote it be 

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